Ergonomic Mouse vs Regular Mouse

Ergonomic Mouse vs Regular Mouse: Which One Is More User-friendly?

”You shouldn’t reach for your tools.” an ergonomic expert says. When you move your mouse, you use your shoulders, forearms, and wrist muscles.

If you’re a heavy computer user, you will likely move that mouse up to 25 km per year! Repetitive use should not put a strain on the muscles. That is why the ergonomic muscle came into the being.

The regular mouse wasn’t built with these factors in mind. As our mouse usage increases, the design evolves from putting less pressure on our arms. The mouse was named “Mouse” because of its shape.

However, that is changing with the latest ergonomic mice. We will see if the old mouse should stay or make way for the new one by comparing ergonomic mouse vs regular mouse in detail.

A Brief about Regular Mouse

As we see it today, the mouse came to be through a lot of evolution. Inventor Douglas Engelbart’s mouse has almost no resemblance to the modern mouse.

However, there is some resemblance of the hand position that we still use, which was the same as the 1960s. It is the most popular type of mouse that is used now.

Features of Regular Mouse

  • Does not stress your finger joints 

The regular mouse usually has three buttons. The left button, right button, and scroll button. It doesn’t strain your fingers when you use it for a long period.

The finger only works to click and hold the cursor on the screen. You don’t have to use a single finger to get the job done. So, there is less pressure on your fingers.

  • Better for precision work dragging 

If you have a smaller screen, a regular mouse helps get around the screen easier. It is because regular mouse accommodates micro-movements. If there is not much screen space available, larger movements make you disorganized.

Also, a regular mouse works wonders if you drag your cursor a lot. It is easy and faster to drag the regular mouse around the screen.

 It is most suitable for precision work. Editing videos and images require this kind of movement. The regular mouse is perfect for this type of use.

  • Easy to get used to 

Those familiar with a computer are also familiar with using a regular mouse. It is because the usage of a regular mouse is widespread. Most computer users own a regular mouse.

That’s why it is easy to scroll through the screen with this type of mouse. You won’t have to put any extra effort to hold and drag it.

  • Has a lot of budget options 

Because a regular mouse has been here for a long time, it is a basic model for most of the mouse available now.

You can find cheap options for a regular design mouse. Also, it is available almost anywhere. You can get your hands on a regular mouse in easily.

  • Usable by both hands 

Prolong use can fatigue your hand. With a regular mouse, you can change between them easily. It is because it doesn’t have a hand-specific design.

If one of your hands gets tired, you can use the other hand to scroll and navigate through the screen.

A Brief about Ergonomic Mouse

The ergonomic mouse is a new type of mouse that optimizes the comfort of the user. The design is very much different from the regular mouse. It has a different type of gripping position for the hand.

The main goal is to avoid repetitive injuries in the long run for heavy computer users. It is the perfect addition to an ergonomic computer desk setup.

Features of Ergonomic Mouse

  • Does not stress arm joints

Ergonomic mice are suitable for people with arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other repetitive injuries. It also helps avoid this type of injury when you use the computer for a long period.

Also, you are less likely to develop these later on in life. You can think of ergonomic mice as an investment for your health in later life.

When you hold a regular mouse, the radius and ulna bones stay cross. If you constantly keep your hands in this position, it stresses the muscles around these bones.

It puts stress on the forearms and the wrists. Also, too much movement affects the shoulders and chest muscles as well. You can develop knots in these areas over time. The ergonomic mouse helps to avoid that.

  • Works better for big movements

The ergonomic mouse is better for big movements like going through different files, selecting folders, and scrolling through the screen. It is not meant for micro-movements.

It takes a lot of effort and time to do precision work. However, if you are moving and selecting many folders from different places on your screen, the ergonomic mouse works wonders.

  • Different designs are available

The ergonomic mouse comes in different shapes. The shapes have specific purposes along with pros and cons. There is a vertical mouse that puts your hand in a vertical position.

It is almost like putting forward your arm for a handshake. The benefit of this position is your forearm bones won’t stay in a crossed position.

Another type of design has trackball on the side. The side trackball position takes a lot of thumb movement to get around this screen. Here you don’t have to use your arms or shoulders to move the entire mouse.

The mouse stays still, and the cursor moves around with the movement of the trackball. This type of design uses smaller joints like the thumb joint rather than big joints like the shoulder joint.

  • Increases comfort and decreases fatigue

The ergonomic mouse is built for the user’s comfort. Those who spend a lot of time on the computer must work comfortably.

The ergonomic mouse helps to maximize that. It also has the benefit of working for a long time. As there is less pressure on the forearm, you can be more productive.

  • Comfortable for right and left-handed users

This type of mouse is made for only right or left-hand use. But there are options available for both. You cannot use the right-hand mouse with the left hand and vice versa.

You can find a left-hand ergonomic mouse that provides comfort and fits your hand like a glove. Even if it has single-handed use, it provides the highest comfort level to that hand.

Ergonomic Mouse vs Regular Mouse Comparison

Here’re some of the factors to consider while choosing between these two –


Ergonomic mice are more comfortable than regular mice. It is easy to grip. The mouse fits your hand quite comfortably. Your hand placement is like the resting position on the ergonomic mouse.

While on the other hand regular mouse uses more like a gripped position of the hand. That results in decreased comfort.


Even though the ergonomic mice are comfortable, it is hard to do precision work. Regular mice have the upper hand when you try to work in detail.

Moving the mouse in small areas and dragging it in editing software is easy. It is difficult to achieve this kind of movement with an ergonomic mouse.


If we compare the ergonomic end regular mouse prices, the regular mouse takes the lead. It is more popular and has different price options available.

You can get a regular mouse at a really low price. The price of the most budget-friendly ergonomic mouse starts from $50.

Muscle stress

The ergonomic mouse uses less stress on the forearm and shoulder muscles. It is beneficial for you to avoid neck and shoulder injury in the long run.

The regular mouse puts a lot of pressure on the forearm muscles. Heavy computer users suffer a lot in later life because of it.

Bottom line

A regular mouse is easy to use and suitable for working on details. The ergonomic mouse takes time to get used to, and detailed work is tough.

 With a lot of practice, the ergonomic mouse gets easier to work with. It is better for your health to use this type of mouse.

Prolonged exposure to stress and pressure causes muscle knots. With the ergonomic mouse, you don’t have that type of injury.

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